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With us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.2 Chr.

Desperation is when one has lost all hope; yet that is when we need to believe that there is still a chance for there is a superpower called’ GOD” who will never forsake us. The skeptic and the atheist will definitely counter this belief with a oft quoted argument asking ‘Where is this god when we are down and out?’ It is true that when we look around and search within ourselves there are events and incidents that make us seriously question the credibility of the existence of GOD. Why should a young person die suddenly? Why are some people given such debilitating diseases? Why am I so unlucky in love, career, and relationships? Why is there so much inequality?  If there is a GOD that exists then where is he  when we need him most?

Let us take a different approach and seek GOD in all the wonders that he has worked in our lives. The fact that you are able to read this means you are educated and have access to a computer and internet. Did you ask Why you are so blessed? Perhaps you are fairly well off and have a great relationship with family and friends. Did you stop to ask why am I so blessed? For everything that goes wrong there are a 100 things that are going perfectly right but things we simply take for granted. It is against this backdrop that one needs to realize that GOD is there in good times and in bad times but we seek his help in bad times but rarely pause to thank him for his help during the good times. Yet GOD never holds that against us and he is available for us at all times.

What we only need to do is seek GOD’s help. It is when we decide to go it all alone that we really get into deep waters. That is when we get maniacal, rebellious and suicidal. On the other hand when we seek GOD’s help our mind finds a peace denied before, our hearts search for answers and we attempt to renew our efforts. Without God we throw in the towel and surrender to the negativity and the cynicism that constantly bug us silently but forcefully. There are unfortunately far too many of us who believe that GOD will help us and wait for miracles to happen only to be deeply disappointed and anguished.  The fact is that GOD helps but we need to work for whatever we aim to achieve or seek. If you suffer from an illness we need to seek medical help, and God will perhaps direct you to the right doctor. If we want to do well in an exam we need to study and God may help us get questions to which we have prepared well. It is a 50 – 50 partnership.

Does God answer all our prayers? Yes he does! This does not mean he gives you the answers you want desperately. Instead we get the answers that are most appropriate and suitable under the circumstances. This is a little difficult to understand but if one were to see an analogy perhaps the answer will be more clear. Assume one has to choose a winner in a race we might all have our personal favorites but there is no guarantee that the said person will win. In fact there is no guarantee that the world and Olympic record holder will win every race. It depends on the performance on the day of the race. Similarly if one is born with a serious impediment one can be sure that GOD sends us many other riches to compensate for that loss. It could be a wonderfully supporting family, sharper faculties or extraordinary talent to cope with the world. What one must believe is that GOD is there to help you fight your battles provided you take up your cross and believe in him.

Remember: “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not. C.S. Lewis

Try this:

  1. Watch this video link about the Superman Hero Christopher Reeve who was paralyzed after an accident and notice his spirit. You would also love to see the video on Stuart Mangan
  2. Try to prepare a Balance Sheet of your life. Put all the things that you would love to thank GOD for on the Asset Side and all the problems where you seek GOD’s help on the Liability Side. You may perhaps notice that the Asset side is filled with jottings and that the liability side is far too empty. The balance sheet doesn’t tally. So what are you cribbing about????

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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  1. Radha

    Nice posting! Are u a spiritual guru to understand the human presence and its soft skills so clearly. Why these things are too hard to understand by us.

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