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make a difference today

As we grow up, within our family environment, the school environment and friends circle, we are exposed to good values, good thoughts and imbibe the power of discernment. However, as we widen our circle of friends, acquaintances, professional colleagues and interact more with the general environment around us, our original set of values and beliefs get slowly eroded. We then learn to rationalize our behavior and attitude to adjust to the influences that are too overbearing to ignore and too tempting to avoid. That is when we end up being different from what we were brought up to be.

Yet it is never too late to change and embrace our core values even if that comes at an apparently heavy cost. You can actually make a difference to your life and those whose lives you influence and here is how you can begin today. HELP yourself.

Have self belief – Trust your abilities and believe in your core values. That is when you will begin to resist temptations, seek out the path of self righteousness and have the courage of conviction to withstand the pressures be it outright threats, the lure of amassing wealth or the fear of being isolated. Help yourself get up and get out of the quagmire you are currently in.

Explore possibilities – If you are compelled by circumstances to pursue a path for which you have a strong antipathy, it is for you to think differently and explore alternatives to get out of the vicious circle in which you find yourself trapped. E.g. as a student the pressure to copy or let others copy from you is often too difficult to ignore. However a strong resolve to accept the outcome without resorting to unfair means would spur you to study harder and relish the results. Similarly be steadfast in your resolve not succumb to pressures to let others copy and you could try by beginning to solve the question paper in random order. Since most people solve papers in sequential order you would be unable to succumb to the pressure of others to let them cheat from your paper.

Let go of the past – We brood over our mistakes, wistfully think about possibilities that have long ago eluded us and often seethe over those avoidable blunders which we committed. While we must not forget the lesson that we learnt from the past, the way to make up is by beginning immediately and doubling our efforts. Successful inventors and scientific breakthroughs are testimony to this reality. You too can remodel your life and make a significant difference in your thoughts and deeds by getting rid of the deadweight of the past.

Prepare to be different. – If you have to be different you must stand out.

  • You must first begin to radiate from within – self belief will help you do that.
  • Then you must do things differently – exploring possibilities will help you find exciting alternatives.
  • Next is to be seen as different – letting go of the past and adapting to the current reality will portray you in different light.

You suddenly discover that you are a different person; brimming with confidence, bubbling with ideas, optimistic about the future and standing head and shoulders above the others.

You have now made a difference to yourself and a bigger difference to those around you.

Try this:

  1. Attempt a change in your external makeup – maybe hairstyle; perhaps style of dressing; work on your body language; work on your vocabulary/ accent/ tone;
  2. Attempt a change in your mental makeup – read something different; focus on a new learning; confront your fears and try something that you never dared to; change your attitude to people whom you resented or disliked;
  3. Attempt a change in your life style – change your eating habits; your daily routine; if you are an outdoor person try to spent more time indoors and vice versa; commit yourself to a social cause

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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