Standing alone in a crowd takes courage
Off and on each of us will come to a crossroad, where as individuals, each of us has to decide which road to take. The
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Off and on each of us will come to a crossroad, where as individuals, each of us has to decide which road to take. The
I realized the truth of the above statement about moving on, after I retired. A month into retirement, it suddenly felt disheartening that the fun
As each of us is stumbling through the challenges that the Covid 19 has brought in its wake, there is a silent question that each
All of us at various times have a wide variety of dreams and fantasies. There are some dreams that seem to come back with regularity
For many of us, the challenge is to truly understand the purpose of our life. During our academic life, our focus was on academic excellence
In the previous blog post, we looked at creating our own unique brand. This post is an extension of that thought. One challenge each individual
In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, the challenges of coping with the changes and the evolving dynamics, are both stressful and laced
As individuals each of us carry a variety of fears and we try our best to keep it secret. At the same time we are
From childhood, we are taught to respect authority and to seek approval from parents, elders, and authorities before we take any major action. We also
Like many, I am full of ideas. I get excited at the thought of executing some of my ideas but most times I avoid attempting