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Hopefully those who read the previous post have, in addition to their personal New Year Resolutions, taken the effort of jotting down some additional challenges, including listing out what ineffective habits/ beliefs they plan to quit, this year. With each passing day, the fervor of the resolution loses its intensity; partly due to our habit of procrastination but largely due to our lack of self belief that we can achieve what we plan to.

Since we have already decided and listed out what we hope to achieve this year, our focus must now be on believing we can do and then yearning for it and earning it. Nothing stops you from modifying and updating your wish list to achieve this year. However, your belief must be three fold:

Believe that you can have it – Think big; dream outlandishly; think wild. If you set yourself goals that are lofty you will never regret achieving it. Small goals when achieved may result in temporary happiness but may leave you feeling that you should have aimed further. Aiming big and far is possible only when you start believing that you can have what you set your mind to. E.g. you take a lottery ticket not to oblige the lottery seller but because you believe that you have as much of a chance as anyone else to win it.

Believe that you deserve it. – Look around you and notice the success stories of those who started off with huge strikes against them as compared to your own background. If you can read their minds or hear their success stories, it will be clear that they worked towards their success fully believing that they deserved it. So what is the next salary rise or next business deal you think you deserve? Aim big and then work towards your goal. Believe that you deserve it and see how you attain it.

Believe that it is possible for you. – Success is rarely a windfall. For almost everyone, success is the culmination of cumulative, sustained and determined effort. One persists only when one believes that it is possible to achieve what you can have and what you deserve. Students can raise the bar of their scores expectations and then do what is required to achieve it. Those having a rough life can change the focus of their life goals, believe in it and with sheer dint of focused effort achieve the goals set.

Try these:           

  • Write down a financial goal for yourself. It could be increasing savings, improving income, enhancing returns on investments, revamping your portfolio etc
  • Identify a personal self improvement goal or a personal passion goal. It could be audacious but start believing in it as soon as your write it down. Work on achieving it even if the time line is way ahead.
  • Make a list of people who you would like to meet up with and who stay in different city. Now work on achieving this goal during this year.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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