As we come to the last month of the current year, one important lesson that we can carry forward to the New Year is that behavior always triumphs over knowledge. Good manners, exemplary etiquette’s and superlative behavior will always be valued much more than a banal display of knowledge, power and wealth. Incidentally, power and wealth are often the result of crooked knowledge or misuse of knowledge and only occasionally the result of knowledge judiciously used. The power of good behavior over pure knowledge emits from the effect each has, on those who are receiving it. A brilliant but arrogant teacher/ professor / boss will always be poorly looked at but a non descript, simple individual who displays empathy and consideration will never be short of respect and support.
Behavior is imbibed and the family and social environment have a large say in it. It is also imperative that the individual also has an attitude of absorbing and utilizing the good social skills and graces in every situation. A common lapse on the part of many, that often brings to the fore poor behavior, is the frequent resort to foul language at the drop of a hat. Simply controlling that will be a great step in being conscious of one’s style and culture, apart from instilling self discipline within us.
Knowledge is largely the outcome of formal education, personal intelligence and hard work. Experience and absorption of information helps one, widen ones knowledge. Real knowledge is not just what one demonstrates at work but what one displays when dealing with unequals, especially those, lower in economic or social strata. If knowledge and behavior can be aligned there is no reason why an individual cannot reach for the stars and attain it.
A classic example of how knowledge and behavior go hand in hand, is diplomacy and tact being used to arrive at consensus decisions. Spirit of the game or spirit of the law is nothing but another extension of how behavior and knowledge go hand in hand. Just try and recollect the great sporting gestures where the spirit of the game leap frogged over a possible unsportman like victory. The term pyrrhic victory perhaps explains the exact opposite; knowledge misused by means foul have resulted in victories that remain as a blot and remain etched for reasons best forgotten.
Many a time it takes tremendous courage and self belief to let good behavior triumph at the cost of personal failure. However, the victory is in living with your head held high, even if you have missed out on a possible prize. Your personal standards are what you define and not dictated by the need to achieve anything, by questionable means. Small gestures like appreciation, thanking those who have helped, apologizing for a mistake made, highlighting the significant contribution of others, taking responsibility for a team failure etc. are small but significant markers in your quest to ensure your behavior is exemplary at all times.
Try these:
List out three great sportsmanship gestures displayed in any sports.
Think of three individuals who had an impact on you? Can you identify one behavioral trait that endeared them to you?
Think of a couple of individuals ( former classmates / former or current colleagues / professional associates etc. ) who are brilliant in their profession but give you a poor vibe. Can you identify a personal trait that they display that puts you off?
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