Here is a practical activity that we can attempt and be sure that each of us will gain from the experience and more importantly enjoy the direct fruits of our action. This post will focus on the action, your job is to take the action and the fruits of the action will be what you will get to relish.
Be generous – Being generous with your wealth is just a minuscule part of what you can be generous with. Your true generosity is in the time you give generously to people around especially those who crave your attention. You can be generous with your patience, your ability to listen, your ability to delay judgment etc. Be lavish with your praise, your appreciation and your ability to find something good in others.
Be cooperative – As social beings we need to learn to take the good with the bad, learn to live with the ironies that life puts before us occasionally and act with maturity when we have to make tough choices. Cooperation is not just about being agreeable but it also includes being able to disagree without be disagreeable. Cooperation is being in a minority but whole heartedly going with the majority decision.
Be enthusiastic –The major trigger for being enthusiastic is by having a good enough motivation to do what we have to do. In the absence of a good motivation, seek out something good about what you have to go through. It is cultivating the right spirit, displaying the right attitude and having the winners spirit spurring you on every moment. Let no failure dampen your enthusiasm, let no criticism demotivate you; do what needs to be done with élan and panache.
Be serving – Services is not merely being useful to others or offering your help to others. Service should be a natural part of your upbringing. It encompasses varied aspects of your life right from displaying good manners, being considerate to others and being ready to shoulder responsibility whenever the need arises. Helping those who can never repay you back, voluntarily assisting those who you can, just doing what needs to be done no matter how insignificant a job it is are shades of service that we must be conscious of.
Try these:
- What were the most joyous memories that you carry? Do you think someone was generous and so you still have that sweet memory? Do you think the other person would also carry similar fond memories of those times?
- Think of the time you disagreed but were overruled and then you had to participate in what was finally agreed upon? Did you give your hundred percent to the task? How did you feel at the end of the task? Remember the poem ‘ The charge of the light brigade’ ?
- Choose three boring tasks that are part of your job. How do you keep motivated to do it well? What are the boring jobs that you have to do in your regular personal life?
- When was the last time your volunteered? Can you think of volunteering in a place you have never ever visited before?
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