View the trailer of your life’s coming attractions by being imaginative and constructive

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7-10Jun 14- View the trailer of your life to be

If our life were a movie, how interesting it would be to see the trailer of it and feel the thrill and excitement that is yet to come. No doubt there would be moments of pain and anguish, disappointments and frustrations, but like most movies, the end would always be a happy, idealistic and hopefully enjoyable one. Unfortunately, the movie of our life is scripted daily and so we continue to be a hero/ heroine on the stage of our life, little knowing what is scripted for us. Fortunately, we are also blessed with the gift of imagination, which enables us to take charge of our life, script and direct it the way we want to and succeed in large measure to have the most idyllic ending. So get set to telescope your imagination into your future and script your own success. Doing this is a simple matter of being imaginative ; begin by stating your life goals, anticipate the success you will achieve, roll up your sleeves and participate in the process, creating something tangible that you imagined and celebrating your achievements.

State – We often have wild fantasies, crazy ideas, some passionate beliefs, some out of the box thoughts etc but rarely do we ink it out and mull over it. As long as you can transcribe your imagination into words/ pictures/ doodles you will be able to attempt some work on it. Imagination should begin in the head but must be stated and spelled out clearly. Right now the best way to utilize the learning from the post is to jot down at least 3 ideas that came to your mind as you read this post.

Anticipate – If you have written down at least one idea, you would notice that your mind is already thinking about it even as you read the post. There is a sense of anticipation that the idea is workable. You are already evaluating alternatives to make the idea work. If you haven’t got an idea, you are reading further in the hope that you will get an ideas you read the post or at least at some point get some idea sometime later. Notice that it is this anticipation of getting a benefit that is motivating you to read. So stating your goal or vision or idea or dream helps you anticipate the next possibilities to attain your stated objective.

Participate – If you want things to happen, you have to start moving things. This essentially means you have to participate in the process. You give wings to your imagination and soar towards your goal by building the wings through effort, team work, rework, network and hard work. Even when you play a game, the key is your participation; if you don’t participate you can neither enjoy the game and for sure you cannot expect to succeed in the game. Participation must as far as possible be voluntary, self driven and pleasurable.

Create – As you sow so shall you reap; your intent, purpose, extent and passion in participation will determine what and how you create and achieve your goals/ dreams/ wish list. The process of translating your imagination into something tangible could be frustrating, backbreaking and dodgy. Yet, the experience would be invaluable, the rewards exhilarating and self fulfillment complete. There are times we won’t achieve perfection, some outcomes would be disappointing and criticism can be a constant companion but as long as you are progressing towards your goal and creating your dreams into reality, your life will be fulfilling.

Celebrate– The best part of imagination is not in day dreaming but in realizing that dream; in being a part of the achievement; in sharing the joy of the success and in relishing the fruits of success. Achievement is not merely a statistic but a vibrant creation and you are the heartbeat that pumps life into that creation.

Give your imagination wings and then use them to soar up high and enjoy the view.

Try this

  • How would you creatively / imaginatively dispose of your old clothes, books, footwear, odds and ends that are unnecessarily occupying space?
  • If you were to organize a party what unique games will you incorporate to make the party more entertaining and participative.
  • Considering your academics and interest, think up 3 unique career opportunities that you can possibly explore.

PS: Transcribe your answers into tangible achievements in the next 6 month.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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