The secret to evolve and transform yourself

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6-28 May 14-See me evolveEach of us can see the physical changes that each of us goes through but the subtle changes and evolution that we go through mentally, psychologically, behaviorally elude us. While we gather our academic credentials that is no conclusive evidence of our intellect, just as our acceptability by those around us is not proof of our attitude and temperament. What is indisputable is the fact that if we introspect, we will be able to recognize the changes in us. The changes could be the result of new learning, experience, conscious decisions or thrust upon us by unavoidable circumstances. Interestingly the changes we notice now are still within our grasp and we can with determination and effort change them to a desirable state. E.g. if you are overweight a good diet and exercise regime can often yield positive result or if you are frequently criticized for being late, with a stronger will and determination you can become punctual.

With one fact established that one can change, evolve and transform to being an even better person than what we are, the challenge before us is to find the right way to go about it. Here are a few techniques to attain this goal.

Appreciate the person that you have evolved into. Look back at your childhood, school days and the carefree youth you were/ are. Reflect on the various dreams, career options, plans that you contemplated. Examine them from the standpoint of where you are today and what you have achieved and don’t hesitate to also brood on the chances you missed, the failures you encountered, the discouragements you faced. Be aware of the achievements you have attained, the odds you have conquered and the encouragement and support you received from various quarters. Notice that you are thinking only about yourself, never comparing yourself with anyone else; for sure you are proud of whatever you are at this moment.

Be aware of your strengths and weakness. No one is perfect and you are no exception. Be conscious of the numerous strengths you posses no matter how insignificant it may seem. Your ability to march to a different drummer or act very differently from others may have evoked sharp criticism from others but that is your strength; value it.

Telescope your imagination to visualize the ideal you. If you noticed in the first two steps your focus was on identifying, appreciating and acknowledging your own growth, success and potential that you have leveraged. If a large part of that has happened without a conscious decision from your side, with adequate effort but not necessarily all your effort, imagine how much more you can achieve if you are focused, planned and eager to achieve your dreams. So now it is time for you to give free reign to your imagination, plan to work on your passions, be daring to walk on unexplored paths, believe in yourself. Remember you are limited only by your imagination; if you can dream it you can achieve it.

Outline your goals and ambitions. If you have consciously and deliberately identified various opportunities that you hope to exploit, it won’t happen unless you specify them as goals to achieve and ambitions to fulfill. This is a crucial step for it requires not just imagination but also logical thinking, pragmatic decision making and courage of conviction. It is chalking out the route map to attaining your goals that will pose problems, create doubts, shake your confidence and challenge your daring. However if you can visualize success and are prepared to strive hard and beat the odds, the only thing stopping you will be YOU.

Resolve to change, begin the change and evolve into the change you seek. Now that you are ready to explore your potential, harness your abilities and go for broke, make a firm resolution not to give up unless you have given yourself a fair chance and ample time. Once your psyche has been tuned to perfection, begin as planned and continue with faith. Results will take time, but pay attention to the small changes that will motivate you, listen to the voice of reason that may whisper to you at times so that you can make adjustments but beware of the loud roar of disillusionment and disenchantment that can derail your plans. Discernment is essential for you to ensure you act with reason. Watch yourself evolve into the person you are capable of being!

Try this

List one goal each for the following aspects of your life

  • Physical fitness
  • Financial stability
  • Social awareness
  • Family bonding
  • Personal growth

Pick out one activity that you would like to be proficient in that your spouse or family member dislikes but is forced to do. Eg. Washing dishes / cooking / record keeping etc. Now outline a plan to ensure you can play an effective supporting role in discharging the same duties so as to help / assit the other person.

Outline 3 activities that will help you bond better with your family especially teenagers in the house. If you are a teen, list out 3 activities that will enliven your presence in the house and pleasantly surprise those at home. Eg. If you are sloppy in arranging your room perhaps you can resolve to be more tidy and organized

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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