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Day’s sweetest moments are at dawn.  Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Anyone who is a late riser would find it very tough to empathize with this quote if he/ she interprets it literally.  However if one were to understand it from the perspective of dawn being an euphemism for the beginning of the day, the quote suddenly seems to dazzle. Every day brings with it the prospect of numerous possibilities and depending on our attitude we can relish every moment. It these mysterious but very real moments that one needs to focus attention on as soon as one wakes up, for then we can capture those moments in our daily living.

For a late riser, getting out of bed itself is a very painful and unavoidable chore and so in most cases their mood is already fouled up. It is therefore highly improbable that the mornings hold much sweetness for such people. Yet these very people will eagerly await the dawn when they have to go for a picnic or catch an early train or plane to go on a holiday. Notice that it is the expectation of something pleasurable and the consequent positive attitude that really motivates these individuals. So theoretically one must replicate the same feelings on a daily basis to ensure that each day begins with hope and ends in happiness. Unfortunately very few of us can say that our work is a picnic or a holiday so we soon become disillusioned and pessimistic. Can we remedy this situation?

Yes one can always attempt to remedy a bad situation and in the above case, one needs to find out some great positives and motivators in the daily job. For some it might be the possibility of meeting new people, for others it could be the prestige and respect offered by the job, others would perhaps focus on the reality of having a good job when compared to the reality everywhere. Some could enjoy the company of colleagues, the challenges in the job itself could motivate, visualizing one’s self as a very key member of the team could be a motivator and so on. Once the motivator is identified, there is a natural urge and a magnetic pull which in turn would provide the impetus to be positive and make one eager to look forward to each day. It is this change in attitude that would make each new dawn a momentous one.

The dawn also provides the silence in which one can mediate and rejuvenate, it ensures that each one wakes up fully charged and energized  and it gives every individual the opportunity to realize their dreams. When the cock crows and the birds chirp, we suddenly become one with nature and in that moment we suddenly also discover the wonder of waking up ; to a wonderful new day , to new opportunities and most of all to possibilities of making up for those moments that we may never utilized fully yesterday.

Remember: However long the night, the dawn will break.”  African Proverb

Try this:

  1. Make a determined effort to wake up at dawn for the next 2 weeks. More importantly ensure that each new day you leave your house and take a different route and take in the sights that greet you. For someone living in the cities focus on finding out the beauty of nature amongst the concrete jungle. For those fortunate to live in countryside focus on finding new flowers, insects, new sounds, new birds etc. Reflect on the wonders of your new discoveries.
  2. Make an attempt to wake up at dawn and do some new types of physical activity that you have never attempted or rarely tried. It could be deep breathing, yoga, cycling, aerobics, brisk walking, marathon running, tai ichi etc.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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