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A problem is a chance for you to do your best. Duke Ellington

There is an apocryphal story told about a couple of frogs that fell into a bucket of milk. After initially trying to leap out, one of the frogs simply gave up saying it is no use and then drowned. The other frog kept paddling and slowly there was a lump of cream that formed. He managed to churn out more cream till there was enough for him to stand on and leap out to freedom. The story neatly sums up the quote for today.

Problems come in all types; big, small, difficult easy, short term, long term, imaginary, real etc. No one is spared problems either which may be a consolation to some. The trouble is when problems come we need to handle it and we can react in a multitude of ways from out rightly rejecting the problem, to ignoring it hoping it will get solved on its own, to trying a quick fix that may look like a solution but just prolongs the agony or tackling it thoughtfully and completely. Scientists, researchers, inventors and creative people see problems positively and look at it as their bread and butter. We need to learn a trick or two from them in order to ingrain the right spirit and attitude when confronted with a problem.

A problem is an opportunity to use our intelligence, creativity and our managerial talent to the fullest in order to overcome the problem. All development in every sphere is the result of someone taking the initiative to solve a problem. Right from the time man invented the wheel to the present day  computing and commuting solutions problem solving has been the key to progress. Innovation, invention and improvisation are the three I’s that form the magic formula to problem solving.  We are constantly using the 3 i formula every single day. Unfortunately the law breakers are equally adept if not experts in using this formula. Look at the phishing scams, the lottery scams, the white collared crimes in the banking system etc. all of them have their roots in using the 3i formula alas for unlawful activities.

If you have a personal problem be it your inability to enjoy success, your concern about long term economic security or your urge to attain fame and fortune the recognition of the problem itself is half the battle one. Once the problem is identified you can focus attention on the solution just as a good doctor would try to look beyond the apparent symptoms in order to diagnose the illness correctly. If things are quite and smooth sailing there is every possibility that there is an undiagnosed problem around the corner for it is the law of life that problems must flow or else how will you get the wonderful opportunities to use your intelligence and grow?

Remember: “Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.”

Try these:

  1. Here are a few words which you need to expand so that the Acronyms and the expansion have some co-relation. E.g. SMILE = See My Instant Life Energizer or ACT = Action Conquers Terror .                                      The words for you to expand are GREET, RUSH, PAIN, STYLE, CLAP (please use your own imagination rather than going to the net and doing a search. The objective of the exercise is not just to get the answers as much as it is to for you to discover your hidden strengths and using it to solve problems)
  2. Almost all of us have the constant complaint that we need to increase our income. Starting now for the whole week spend half an hour each day just jotting down various ways to increase your income. The following week work on how to increase your savings without too much of compromise on your current life style.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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