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As the year draws to a close, each of us have in our hearts and minds, a myriad set of emotions, feelings, memories, that conjure up kaleidoscopic patterns. The beauty of those kaleidoscopic patters is that they are always beautiful no matter what the colors, shapes or size of what we see.

The question one may ask is, can we really see a kaleidoscopic image when we reflect on the year gone by? Like the year before, 2020, the year just gone by 2021 has not been exactly a model year for the world at large because one constant factor was the disruption of life in general abetted possibly by fear of unwittingly suffering some collateral damage due to the pandemic and even possibly the loss of loved one or someone personally known. At this point in time, ironically, the future too looks equally worrisome with the pandemic making a reappearance in a different avatar.

Yet if we take a moment to reflect not on what we missed out on but instead focus on what we have been blessed with during such trying times, gratitude is the emotion that will overwhelming embrace us. Precisely then, you will also experience the joy and happiness that we had taken for granted but which we now begin to cherish.

For the coming year, taking a cue from the above, simply focus on being grateful and you will go to bed with a smile and an eager longing for what awaits us the next day.

Happiness is gratitude gift wrapped and opened up each day.

Try these:           

This New Year make a list of people who you want to send happiness to. All you need to do is give them something that will pleasantly surprise them. It could be a simple smile, an unexpected gift, a surprise visit, perhaps just a note or letter or an email. Perhaps you could simply give them a word of praise or appreciation. All those whose lives you touch will be grateful for your presence in their lives and their happiness will know no bounds.

Next gift yourself some milestones to achieve. It could be in the form of New Year Resolutions. However better still is designating each month as a ‘specific focus area month’. E.g. January could be focused on either eliminating a bad habit or acquiring a new skill or cultivating a new habit. February could be your personal outreach month – visiting your long lost friends/ meeting up with some teachers or your Alma mater, hosting a surprise party etc. Each month end you will be delighted and grateful for having achieved something tangible and that will be reason enough for you to experience joy and happiness.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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