For most people frustration creeps in when one feels unappreciated, unrecognized and unknown despite us doing what we think is an awesome job. The real problem unfortunately is that out thinking is flawed. While the ego would want to be noticed, recognized and appreciated, what one fails to put in perspective is that one must learn to enjoy and take pride in what one does. This can happen if we constantly exceed our own expectations. Once you prove your abilities and potential to yourself, your personal gratification of a job well done, would not need you to seek out third part confirmation.
Here are 5 ways to prove yourself to yourself:
Take on a challenge – Almost every moment we are challenged to focus on our goals, prepare for eventualities, fight boredom and laziness etc. That apart there could be bigger challenges that come either out of a work situation or because of a personal crisis or because someone has set you a task and challenged you to take the dare. Every one of these challenges is an opportunity for you to prove yourself to yourself because that is how you get things accomplished which you otherwise would have found tough to do.
Pursue a dream – It is possible that at various times you had fanciful ideas and dreams or wishes. Due to pragmatic considerations it is possible you let those dreams remain and focused on a way to make a living and life that would give you economic freedom, respect and domestic bliss. Yet the craving to achieve a dream perhaps still remains. It could be something very personal like learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument or it could be something off beat like trying to moonlight as a comedian or a writer or an actor. Whatever your unfulfilled dream, bring it to the fore and give it your best shot.
Move out of your comfort zone – By habit we try to stick to the tried and tested. Occasionally one may experiment with fashion or food but when it comes to attempting something that requires a long term commitment or that has a serious element of risk but with an equally tantalizing prospect of reward we err on the side of caution. We simply let those opportunities pass by. Perhaps you get a tempting offer to change your passion into a profession but with the challenge of having to sacrifice your current stable occupation; ask yourself what your next move will be. By moving out of your comfort zone even in matters like pursuing your dream or taking on a challenge you prove yourself to be someone with courage, daring and confidence. That is the stepping stone to taking bigger risks of moving out of your comfort zone perhaps by moving location, maybe changing jobs, perhaps starting your own venture etc.
Stop cribbing / complaining – One common factor that binds most of us is complaining about what should be right. We also take pleasure in pontificating about what ought to be done, what is not being done and how one would have done it; alas very few of us walk the talk. We criticize our housing societies, the municipal corporation, the state government, the national government but do not get involved in any action plans initiated by any of these agencies. We have our own rationale and excuse for indulging in the very matters we crib about. A classic case is bribing authorities to get work done which is what be complain and crib about regularly. If you simply stop complaining and whining that would be a major step in proving to yourself that you will not let the problems around demotivate or stress you out. If you can go the next mile by proactively getting involved in a social cause that you yearn to bring a change in that will be a humongous proof that you can do what it takes to be your own person irrespective of the challenge/ pain / sacrifice that involves.
Be the change – The best way to prove yourself to yourself is to be the change you want to see around you. It could be simple matters like sticking to your commitments, adhering to the time schedule or it could be by being bolder and standing up for what you believe is right, opposing what you serious differ with and being willing to stick your neck out for those who are wronged. You may have to confront the critics, perhaps alienate your friends who differ with your views, be in a minority because of your views but by being the change you want to see, you will see yourself proving your own independence, taking pride in your sense of responsibility and seeing yourself making a difference to the world around you.
Try these:
Try an explore the following opportunities to prove you have it in you to make a difference
- Join an NGO and volunteer there.
- Explore a strength that you posses that you have never utilized effectively e.g. taking tuition’s in maths or taking a sports coaching in a discipline in which you are/ have been strong or if you are good musician but never been part of a band try to join a band.
- Write a letter to a newspaper or create a short video about something that you feel strongly about. E.g. stray animals / misuse of social media /
Click on the following links and see people who proved that they can make a difference without applause, recognition and fame.
- – The man who cut through a mountain single handedly to make a road. If possible also see the movie. The link to the trailer is given here
- – Aabid Surti – The man who fixes leaking pipes so as to save water.
- – Afroz Shah who inspired a beach cleanup in Mumbai
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