Excuses come naturally to us. It is our defense mechanism against inertia, criticism and failure. Part of the reason is our upbringing. As children, if we were encouraged, appreciated and motivated chances are that we minimize excuses and focus on getting results. On the other hand, if as children we were discouraged from exploring, criticized for failing and shouted at for the mess created rather than appreciated for the outcome, excuses are the only shield we have to take refuge under. Unfortunately, over time, excuses become an extension of our personality and we rationalize every unsavory action of ours with creative excuses, most times merely fooling ourselves.
Once we remove excuses from our lexicon the benefits are enormous; just try it and see the difference.
You begin to dare/ explore – Fear of failure and criticisms are the two red flags that often derail our hopes and ambitions. We limit our actions to only those that we are sure will succeed, those that meet approval of peers and elders and those that are tried and tested. We have ready excuses for anything untoward. Give up excuses and then you become more daring and start exploring options that you are passionate about. Success and failure are just milestones/ markers along the way not millstones that weigh you down.
You discover hidden potential – You give expression to your passion, move out of your comfort zone and discover talents and potential that remained dormant within you. You do not have to rationalize your actions or the consequences; no excuses for anything; you take responsibility. Dare do win is your only motto.
You become creative – When failure is not a fear, when justification is not needed, then excuses have no place in your lexicon. You can give expression to your inner spirit, the vivid imagination you have, the adventure of a lifetime with you owing no one an explanation or justification. No excuses needed; more life explored; fun and failure is just a phase of life but the process is what brings the thrill.
You do not fear failure – If at first you don’t succeed you just begin to try again. If you find that you were following the wrong trail in life, all you need to do is change tracks with no excuses for your actions or the past. No fear of failure comes from the freedom of not having to explain or justify or give excuses.
You succeed – Success is not just a destination; it is actually the enjoyment of the journey. The destination is merely a marker in life that tells us how far we have come. Every moment is a challenge, so also an opportunity to make life more colorful and meaningful. When we leave behind the baggage of excuses to be given we are no longer weighed down by expectations, More importantly we are on a journey in which we set the pace, the destination and the breaks. Every move forward is success for we have traversed ahead. No excuses, no regrets, no failures, no finish line.
Try these:
- How can you color up the monotony of your work life, personal life and social life? Be creative, be daring, explore and act.
- Find creative ways to do the following:
- Overcoming a bad habit / addiction
- Becoming more productive in the work place and at home
- Surprising friends and family
- Overcoming an inhibition or fear
- Picking up a good habit
- Increasing your savings every month
This post is courtesy www.actspot.com
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This Post Has 4 Comments
Hello,that was so educative, i found it interesting and i’ll ptactice. that toi in my daily life. bravo!
Thanks Alfred for taking time out to share your appreciative comment. I do hope you also find the other blog posts equally useful and engaging. Do continue to send in your feedback and comments. Jacob
So great reading your edifying piece .Really blessed by the encouragement in the words.I have been working on a youth centred christain leadership, values and motivational ministry, trying to raise necessary structures and facilities to drive the vision as a give back package to my community and society at large. I must own up that going through your write up, a new wave of inspiration to continue to pour my life savings into this project until fruition . Thanks for encouraging me.
Thank you for that very encouraging and appreciative feedback. It certainly motivates me to keep writing because I know it would be found useful by someone. You too are doing a wonderful service and I wish you the strength, the resources and the determination to continue your calling. Best Wishes