Take away money as a measure of richness and ever single human being can be as rich as he /she chooses to be. True riches lies in being rich in mind body and soul.
Keep in my mind the mantra:
I alone have the power to become as rich as I want to be.
The formula is simple, the application requires discipline and it’s your life your riches your choice.
Rich in knowledge – Read, observe, learn, teach, assimilate, experience, explore.
Rich in adventure – move away from your comfort zone, take risks, do something different, be creative, experiment.
Rich in laughter – See the funny side, laugh at yourself, share laughter, learn to see the funny side of the worst, think fun, be fun, make every moment fun.
Rich in family – Be together, meet often, celebrate together, keep in touch, talk more with each other, listen, touch, and hug.
Rich in health – Eat healthy, exercise, avoid stress, have a positive attitude, be around with people who make you happy and comfortable.
Rich in love – Love yourself! Love those around! Learn to love life! Learn love each moment.
Try these:
- Identify and use a website for each of the above riches. Oh yes there are ample alternatives online. If you want you can even identify a suitable app.
- Make it a point to do the following off and on
- Tell (not share on whatsapp) a joke to a friend / colleague
- Pay attention to a frequent criticism that you get and do something to overcome that.
- Read something that is totally different from what you normally read
- Surprise your family members for no special reason
- Announce and do something challenging e.g. losing weight or dancing / singing at a function etc.
This post is courtesy www.actspot.com
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This Post Has One Comment
Nice one Bobby.