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Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.  Lin Yutang

It is when things seem out of control that one is forced to really explore other avenues and then pin hopes on the fresh ideas and initiatives. Unfortunately, very often we lack conviction in most of our fresh ideas and plod along half in the fear of failure and most times our fears come true. Hope begins when we are prepared to risk success and not succumb to fear. Hope is not a onetime exercise but a continuous determined and positive approach that is driven by conviction.

Hope is proverbial the light at the end of the tunnel. When you believe in it then you will traverse that distance even in the dark. While inspiration often gives us new avenues of hope, we have to make the effort to translate that hope into a concrete reality of success. The success of an underdog gets highlighted simply because it is a triumph of hope. It is possible that many a time we are dissuaded by well meaning people against pursuing our path. We are prone to succumb to such pressures but it is the hope that we will succeed that gets one going.

There are times when we mistake hope to be our savior. A compulsive gambler for example would always hope to hit the jackpot with the next game. A student who never studies and yet hopes to clear his / he exams is also under the same delusion. It is possible that because of a rare stroke of luck the gambler and the lazy student succeed. After that a mistaken self belief masquerades as hope and more often than not ruins the person. Hope is not blind belief. See hope as the unknown variable that when put in place completes the solution.

Hope is the kingpin of the business of life. If we didn’t have hope we would be utter failures for we would simply give up at the first signs of things going wrong. Often when we get no for an answer, it is hope that urges us on to attempt a second time or try a different approach. Hope is the guardian angel that watches over our endeavors, protects us from being demoralized and prods us on to the right path. Hope often tests our patience, questions our wisdom and occasional trips our progress. Look at all the numerous lists of things to be done that we have written over the years. Some have yellowed with age but the contents are intact without any major progress, others consigned to the dustbin without much ado and many a list re-written but with many unticked items simply ignored and unwritten in the new list.

Remember: “Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality.”

Try this:

  1. Visit the website of John Goddard by clicking the following link and notice how hope played a major part in his list of 127 things he wanted to achieve. Can you compile a similar list for yourself?
  2. Has it occurred to you that anyone who is challenged be it mentally, emotionally or physically  never view their life as hopeless. They have a reason to live and enjoy life to the fullest extent possible. So what is your excuse for not having enough hope to realize your potential and your dreams? Make a list of negative thoughts that hold you back. Now prepare or find the list of antonyms that convey a positive meaning for each of those negative words. Destroy the list of negatives and daily go through the list of positives and see how you suddenly start believing in yourself. Experience the power of hope!

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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