Reminders to succeed

Waking up each morning is easy; your biological clock does it for you albeit at a time when you really don’t want to wake up.…

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The power within you

From childhood, we are taught to respect authority and to seek approval from parents, elders, and authorities before we take any major action. We also…

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I am ME

At times we try to analyze ourselves and realize that while we have much to cheer about, we also have much more to rue.  We…

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The masks we wear

Truth be told; each of us wears a mask to suit the occasion. We pretend to be happy when we are sad; try to obviate…

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Be yourself

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Imitation they say is the best form of flattery. Human beings have unfortunately interpreted this to be a virtue to be imbibed. Thus, the rampant…

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I am…

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'The question who am I?' is one that every individual seeks an answer to. Yet very few of us get an answer that satisfies us.…

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Advice from the ocean

  Off and on life gives us some pleasant surprises and one such surprise came to me when I chanced upon the above piece of…

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Realizing dreams

You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning.  Billy Wilder Unless one has a dream one cannot realize it.…

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