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World over, there is fear, frustration and impatience with the curbs and lockdown measures that various governments have imposed on their residents, even though the intentions are noble and well known to the people. However, human beings have benefited so much from the freedom they are so used to, that any restrictions placed even if it is for the general good of all, is viewed with suspicion, disappointment and anger. The real difficulty is having a way to cope with the curb on our individual freedom that has been artificially placed on us, even if the end justifies the means.

If you look at yourself dispassionately you have much to be grateful for and for the abundance you are blessed with. Here is a look at some things that we take for granted, when we stew in our own anger, frustration and disappointments.

Being alive – I know many of you will say that the problem of lack of freedom is because you are alive. Ask yourself if you would rather be dead and have all the freedom in afterlife? Some may argue how long will we live with the fear of falling sick. Well it so happens that for the rest of our lives every individual lives with that Damocles sword hanging over our head. So just be grateful that you are alive.

Having a home, family and friends –  If you have a roof over your head and family and friends  feel blesses. Perhaps you are cut off from some of them. You can’t meet them in person. You are unable to travel to be with them. Be glad you still have them and the technology to see, hear and talk to them.

Being financially better off than most – If you are reading this, chances are that you still have the means to access technology for your own needs.  Be grateful for the financial means that is keeping you afloat, whereas around you there are millions on the brink of financial upheaval.

Enjoying reasonably good health – Despite the aches, pains that is normal in life, be grateful if you are not in quarantine for the freedom you enjoy. If in quarantine be grateful that you illness has been detected on time and that your safety is being taken care off. If suffering from more life threatening illness be grateful that you are still managing. You will realize the value of life and living.

Having an education – You are reading this because you were fortunate to get an education. It has helped you update yourself, upgrade your skills, leverage technology and even find solutions to problems. You are not at the mercy of others like those who are uneducated and illiterate.

Having the gift of discernment – If you are a free individual enjoying your liberty and the perks of freedom but more importantly having a choice between doing what is right and saying no to what is wrong, be grateful for the gift of discernment. You chose to read this; you may choose to absorb the learning; you may decide to implement the learning by noting all what you are grateful for. You are blessed with the gift of discernment; choose well.

Try these:           

  1. What is your favorite line from a book/ a poem/ a movie? Have you thought about why that line or words resonate with you? Think about it.
  2. What is the best thing you did with your education? How did you utilize it for a larger good of the society around you?
  3. What is the one sentence told to you that you still value? How did it influence you?
  4. List out, at least three things that you are grateful for, that you are able to appreciate only because of the lockdown.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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