As we approach the last month of the year, there is a tendency to look back at the year gone by and reminiscence about the good, the bad and the ugly that happened to us. There would be moments of pain that we recall, there would be ecstatic moments which send our spirits soaring high and there would be some frustrations that are irritating to recall. However, what we find toughest to cope with are the moments of regrets that overwhelm us; we desperately wish then that we could turn the clock back and redo things differently. This lingering feeling of haplessness; of missing out on opportunities to change our destiny keep haunting us for a much longer time. In this time of reminiscence, one must also keep in mind the reality that ‘what is meant to be will always find its way’ just as in the picture above, the quaint flowers bloom along a forlorn, deserted, almost arid sidelines of the railway track.
Once we awaken to this profound truth that ‘what is meant to be will always find its way’ we would be less delusional, more practical and certainly more optimistic that the best is yet to come. This in no way means that you can sit back and wait for good fortune to parachute into your life. Instead, it is an exhortation that we must continue to give of our best and the fruits of our labor will be sweet and plentiful, when the time comes. The year gone by would have had its shares of ups and downs but our focus must be on the highs in our life, the hopes that we have for the times ahead and we must inbuilt in us, the ability to visualize the fruits of success. Dreams give you a reason to aspire, a focus to aim at and a pinnacle to scale. Life will no longer be arid, parched and infertile. We will plant the seeds of hope, water it with faith, nurture it with diligence and reap the fruits in abundance.
Patience is the one virtue that each one must cultivate. No seed sprouts overnight to grow into a plant. Similarly, all our actions, our sacrifices our energies will bear fruit only when the time is ripe. Of course, it is assumed that we align our actions with reality and not dig wells where there is no semblance of water. It is also good to keep in mind that often we are bestowed with what we can really cope with, manage efficiently and accept with good cheer. Plant seeds of hope, faith and good cheer in your heart and let your mind and body help you plough your life ahead. When the time comes, gather the flowers, fruits and produce and share it. You will receive what you deserve sooner than later. It may not be in a form or shape that you expect but it is yours for the picking if you look for it.
Try these:
- List names of 5 people who you know personally. One must be a family member, the other a colleague, an acquaintance, a neighbor and a person who assists you in some way (house help / liftman / security guard/ gardener etc.)
- Can you recollect the best moment you had last week. What do you think will be the most wonderful thing that can happen to you before the month end?
- If someone gifted you Rs.1,000 what will you do with it before the month end?
- How will you view things if your wallet got stolen and it had Rs.5,000?
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