Pause for a moment and look back at the days gone by. Do you get the feeling that you could have a lot more if only we could re-live those days again? While regret for those days gone by wont help us now except to trigger a realization, we can make the best of today and the days to come that we will be fortunate to experience and enjoy. The trick lies in finding a way to wake up with determination and to go to bed with satisfaction.
So how does this mantra work?
A firm determination will …
Spark the desire for accomplishment
Fan the fires of enthusiasm
Light up the way ahead
When you go to bed with satisfaction you …
Revel in the pleasure of achievement
Move closer to your cherished goals
Enjoy the bliss of sound sleep
Without determination you will…
Be indecisive and anxious
You will a lot of incomplete tasks on hand
You will tend to give up at the first hint of trouble / difficulty
When you go to bed dissatisfied …
You will fret and fume over the wasted day
You will be left with too many irons on the fire and be stressed
Life will seem labored, insipid, stressed and painful every single night.
To be determined
Have written down SMART goals (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound)
Be organized and time conscious
Find a strong motivation to start and finish the task.
To ensure a satisfactory day end
Review the day before going to bed; enjoy the success of the day and work out ways to cope with the tasks left undone
Break down major tasks into smaller specific goals
Ensure your full quota of sleep and a clear conscience is said to be the best pillow.
Try this:
Make a list of the following
- The tasks that you hate but which is unavoidable
- The one task that is relatively easy but you constantly not doing it on time
- The tasks that you enjoy doing the most
- The one task that you would like to delegate to your best friend
Write down your reasons/ excuses for
- Not doing the TRY THIS tasks in the previous post
- Indulging in what you are constantly criticized for by family and or friends and or colleagues
- Not making a sizeable financial contribution to your favorite charity
- Being less successful than what you think you are capable of
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