Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw
Change is the natural progression of life. Every day is a new day with a new set of challenges, a new source of energy and a variety of trials and triumphs. As individuals too we are growing older, perhaps wiser too, growing in girth perhaps and definitely growing in experience. However, it is our passive acceptance of change that creates problems for us. We see change merely as something inevitable and not as an opportunity.
When we realize that we need to respond to change proactively by acknowledging it, adopting or adapting to it and by embracing it whole heartedly even though we do not like it, that is when change becomes our allay, our catalyst for growth. If we simply examine the changes that have occurred in the last few years, we can see the rapid influence of changing technology, changing values, changing attitudes on our social, economic and emotional fabric. We need to constantly adjust ourselves to these changes or we soon find ourselves stranded alone on an island of ignorance with crisscrossing pathways way of confusion and dimly lit experiences which shatter our pride, ego and enthusiasm.
Once we have made peace with the rapid changes around us, we can be sure that these changes will not steamroll you and flatten you on the highway to tomorrow. More importantly, you will then become an agent for change, a crusader for new systems and perhaps even the master of change. You will be faced with doubts, your abilities will be challenged and sometimes you have to traverse a lonely road but when you reach the end of the trail you would be ahead of the pack, for the rest would have opted for the old and beaten circuitous path.
What one must not change though is our good value systems, our ability to love, our large heartedness in forgiving and our zest for life! All change will then revolve around this axis and then you will easily adjust to change but never succumb to lures of change.
Remember: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Try these:
- What are the 5 changes each, that you have noticed over the past 5 years in the area of technology, health care, education, environment and politics? How does any or each of these changes impact you? How will you respond to these changes?
- What are the personal changes in your life over the past 5 years –look at your lifestyle, education, physical fitness, social interactions, value systems when listing these changes. How many of the changes are beneficial to you. Have the changes made you compromise somewhere?
- Try changing your route of daily travel. Experiment with exotic cuisines. Read a different genre of books or see a different genre of movies / TV serials. Try to wear some different types of clothes. Experiment with new technology like using a digital book reader/ touch screen mobiles/ using speech recognition software. What were your experiences? Did you learn from the experience. Did you give up too fast? Did you discover their utility?
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