Our vision is critical to how we go about our business in this world. Mediocre results are the outcome of a terribly conceived, poorly focused and badly executed effort. When we have a larger vision, a bigger goal and an intrinsic motivation, that is when we become passionate, focused and committed to whatever we have to do. Notice that the goal could be the same but it is the approach to the goal, the purpose of the goal and the pull of the goal that determines the quality of the goal and the value of the resultant success.
To determine how committed you are to any goal ask the following questions and truthfully answer them
What is my motive? This is the first question to be asked when doing anything. The routine work will have a definite purpose and it won’t change very drastically over time. However, for doing anything new, even deepening the extent of your current routines involves embracing a different more wholesome motive. Deciding to change your career and embracing what your passionate about would be a major change that you will make only when you are clear of your motive. Even making a career move or adopting a change in life style would be driven by a superior motive. If the motive is envisioned with a larger purpose rather than narrow short term interests, chances of your commitment to that goal are higher.
Am I committed to it? Commitment means that you will put everything aside and do what is uppermost on your agenda. That what is uppermost on your agenda will always be something that you are passionate about, motivated to work on and consumes your mind and spirit. Winners are those who have never left sight of their larger goal and have committed to attain the smaller goals that are aligned with the larger goal. For a professional sportsman, there is no substitute for rigorous practice even at odd hours in the most trying conditions. The goal is to excel in the sport and possibly be a torch bearer of that sport.
Am I prepared to pay a big price for it? Every commitment comes for a price. That is because the one key element in life is limited. Hence utilizing your time wisely is critical. In fact, you may have to sacrifice a number of things some mere minor pleasures but often some bigger sacrifices are to be made. Not indulging in your favorite food might be a minor price to pay but missing out on momentous family occasions or skipping crucial exams because your priority is clashing with it are bigger and more costly a price to pay.
Would the goal enhance my perspective and life? Ultimately a goal remains worthwhile only and only of you passionately believe that it will make a huge difference in your life. It could be shifting the focus of your future or it could be embracing your passion or it could be a quantum leap in your lifestyle. What is important is to clearly identify the underlying benefit/ gain/ thrill that you believe will significantly impact and enhance the quality of your life. For someone material wealth could be an obsession whilst for others embracing new knowledge could be the trigger. Others may see opportunities to travel as transforming his/ her life whereas others may want to quit simply to enjoy their life before it is too late.
To sum up, seeing the big picture, finding space for yourself in that big picture and ensuring that the picture reflects what you stand for, results in a ‘perfect picture’.
Try these:
- What are the three major decisions that you took which have had a significant impact on your life?
- Do you regret any decision that you took?
- What are three things you would have done differently if ever you got a chance to course correct?
- What are three feelings that dominate your life? How do they impact your decision making?
This post is courtesy www.actspot.com
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