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9-28-feb-17-who-is-the-hero-of-your-storyThe beauty of life is in its variety, its surprises, its plot twists, its challenges and opportunities but most of all life’s wonder lies in its uniqueness for each one of us. The divergence that seems to pervade each one’s life is also the one that flavors each one’s life to make it special and unique. It poses us a challenge; make it your own story; script it the way you want it and always bear in mind you are the hero/ heroine of that blockbuster. The challenge is best met by being aware of the following:

Embrace life warmly – No one is perfect. No one has everything one wants. All the riches cannot buy happiness. Life is a blessing gifted to you. Embrace it warmly for no one else can live your life. Stop cribbing; seek opportunities; let failures not limit your movement forward and learn to appreciate your blessings.

Be the change – If you want to enhance the quality of your life don’t wait for luck or fate to make it happen. You will have to tempt fate by changing yourself and attempting to tread the path of your dreams. You may be discouraged at times, you may have to retrace your steps occasionally, sometimes you are on a roller coaster ride but land with a thud; get back on the ride.  Let nothing stop you from progressing.

Do something – Sometimes life sucks as the young people like to say. It happens to the best of us. The mantra is when ‘when life sucks don’t get stuck’ ; do something to keep the momentum going so that your heaving yourself out of the pit that you landed in. Be creative, be bold, be different, think out of the box, act upon your instincts and inspirations; don’t just give in- do something.

Live,laugh,leap – A lot of people merely exist; they don’t live. Do not let life sap your energy. Instead find a way to make your life the solar panel from which draw on from, when there is darkness setting in. Laughter is the oil of life that lubricates the tough times that befall us. After all a smile is curve that sets everything straight. Don’t just let life meander along but take a giant leap to discover how far you can jump or test how high you can rise. The view would be different too. The fun is a huge bonus.

Stop,pause,breathe – Do not become part of the rat race. You have to race only against yourself. The race is measured not in terms of distance traversed as much as experiences embraced, number of times you have got after stumbling or falling, discovering latent potential that you possessed and surprising yourself daily. Enjoy the process, the progress and the possibilities that you discover. Stop to stand and stare, pause to catch your breath and breathe deep and recharge yourself with the elixir called life.

Try these:

  1. Read the following inspiring story that largely embraces all that is suggested above
  2. List out the following
  • Your dream for the future
  • Your passion
  • Your role model
  • Your favorite proverb

Is there anything that binds all the above? What is stopping you from following your passion? How can you imitate your role model ( assuming that your focus will be on the role model’s qualities that are worth emulating) . Are you adopting the proverb in your daily life and making it work for you?

Are you scripting your story with YOU as the hero/ heroine?

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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