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1-9 Jan 15 Get Started keep goingUntil a few years ago, many motorized vehicles had starting trouble especially in winter and the monsoons. Fortunately with more research and better technology, very rarely does our vehicle give us starting trouble. Unfortunately, as individuals almost all of us have major issues with starting either something new or pursuing an existing activity. Evolution and technological revolutions have not helped the human race eliminate this limitation of starting trouble but they have facilitated ways and means to overcome it. However the real issue with personal starting troubles stems from the following:

Fear – Venturing into doing anything new is always a challenge because we fear failure, disappointment, lack confidence and are wary of the reactions of those who are keenly observing us. So all our good intent remains in the realms of possibility with a near zero probability of achievement. Most times we postpone starting under some flimsy pretext and other times we make half hearted attempts and give up too quickly. Ask yourself if you are actually pursuing your dreams or passions. If the answer is NO it is a clear indication that you failed to start moving in the direction of your dreams. Alternatively ask yourself if you are happy with the current state of affairs personal, professional and financial. If again you get NO for an answer, you know you feared doing something different that could possibly have helped you move towards making your life a lot better.

Lack of motivation – One reason most of our New Year Resolutions ( please read the previous blog post to read about this ) fall by the way side is largely due to lack of motivation to sustain our quest. Someone who seeks to lose weight and another who wants to improve his/ her physique both sets of people often quit because the effort is too much but more importantly they do not see quick results and get demotivated faster. The same is true with students who find it hard to concentrate and study for their exams. Employees too suffer from the same problem especially when they have to do routine jobs and jobs that rarely get appreciation. For most people life is boring, it is a grind and it is merely for substance that they go about doing the bare minimum to attain the grade. So starting might seem like a huge achievement but continuing with the task and doing a good job requires a different mindset and attitude.

Indifference – This stems from both the earlier problems. Fear of starting and lack of motivation to continue, morph into an indifferent approach to any activity. Indifference could also be the result of sheer ignorance of the long term consequences or it could be the outcome of foolhardiness also. By being indifferent, an individual wastes his/ her time, talent and life. It also makes a person lethargic, complacent, casual and feel victimized. These people not only suffer starting trouble but worse still they rust out; tormented and tormenting those around.

To remedy the above situation, if you ever find yourself in such a predicament is to read the words of the quote in the start and to make a determined effort to begin. ( if you haven’t yet written down your New Year Resolutions at least write down right now 3 things you hope to achieve in the coming year). Now that you have begun, it would be a good idea to share the idea with a close friend / colleague / relation. This ensures that you have put pressure on yourself to stand by the challenge you have taken on for some of those with whom you shared would off and on check up on your progress. This will provide you the motivation to keep going and also shake of your indifference for now there are others who also interested in your welfare, progress and success.

Try this:

  • Outline your dream holiday – location, duration, budget, preferred travelling companion/s, possible dates of travel. Work on realizing this dream at the earliest.
  • List 2 bad habits that you will eliminate this year and 2 good practices you will adopt this year.
  • Work out a way to enhance your contribution by way of time and resources for a charitable cause by at least 5 % this year.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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