If you are afraid for your future, you don’t have a present. James Petersen
There are times, when each one of us has got this sudden unexplainable feeling of fear, panic and helplessness when thinking about the future. Such fear when it comes occasionally is useful for us to be aware of our own mortality, the reality of an unpredictable future, the need to plan and be prepared and it helps us actually realize the value of today and make the best use of our today. The trouble starts when we are so obsessed about the future that we end up constantly wailing and moaning about it, keep worrying about it, spend more time making plans to handle imaginary crisis and fail to enjoy today and the blessings that we are fortunate to have. The truth is we cannot completely hedge against the future nor can we let the future steamroll us and so we need to ensure that we have some insurance to manage the future. It is this insurance that begins with us first of all enjoying our daily living so that we have no regrets later. At the same time by being pragmatic and rational about the future we can intelligently and objectively attempt to protect our future and insure it financially, emotionally and dynamically.
Our worries about the future come in so many shades. We worry about our jobs, our finances, our relationships, our hopes and aspirations. We also worry through our jealousies, envy, expectations, irrational thoughts and far too often through thoughts about death be it our own or that of a loved one. What is pertinent to note is that we when we worry the first casualty is our happiness. No one who worries will ever be able to enjoy the present. No sooner we feel happy a fearful thought will suddenly creep in and prick the bubble of happiness. In extreme cases we even start worrying about being happy and fear that our happiness is short lived for a calamity is lurking around the corner. See the people around who have dour expression, those who are always complaining, people who are extremely critical or frequently sarcastic, the people who cannot accept compliments and those who are always negative in their words, thoughts and behavior; they rarely exude happiness.
The second and logical casualty is our present; the moment that is for us to enjoy, the gift of today and the spirit of life. Instead of appreciating the beauty of the day we start counting the hours to darkness; our laughter is always tinged with regret or sadness; we are morose and snappy most times; we see the shadows not the sunshine and we live in fear of being besieged by calamity. More than anything else we live in the belief that we are the unlucky ones, the cursed ones and the only ones who have this fate befallen on. The third and most unfortunate of all repercussion is our conscious and unconscious negative impact on those around us. Many a time because we are dour and negative, we hate it when those around are happy, cheerful and enjoy with gay abandon. We make efforts to spoil their mood by berating them, being loud and uncouth or simply denying them the pleasures that they depend on you to give e.g. refusing a birthday party or finding fault with a gift they give you. Other times our demeanor and behavior are enough to make others avoid us, move away from us or simply ignore us . The cycle of unhappiness is then complete; we are unhappy we make others unhappy and in turn we remain unhappy.
Remember: “Your past is important but it is not nearly as important to your present as the way you see your future” Tony Campolo
Try this:
- Read the post on FUTURE (Foresee Unusual Trends Usually Rapidly Emerging) in our weekly blog http://poweract.blogspot.com/2010/11/future.html
- Read the post on Why Worry http://actspot.wordpress.com/2010/12/31/why-worry-2/
- To minimize your future worries make a list of your New Year Resolutions, if you haven’t done it already. Now get working on it right away so that by this time next year a large number of items on that list is deleted and you enjoy each day this year because you have slowly inched closer to achieving the resolutions on that list.
This post is courtesy www.actspot.com
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