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Success comes before work only in the dictionary. Anon

There is a mistaken notion carried by many that the rich and famous have been very lucky to get the success they enjoy be it financial rewards, fame and / or fan following. True, some of them are fortunate to have a lineage or the benefit of being born with a golden spoon. However the reality is that each one has to strive hard to build up on that initial advantage in order to carve out their own identity. Look at the not so successful children of well know personalities; they could not make much use of the initial advantage they had perhaps due to the fact that they lacked the genuine talent or skill sets. In some cases it is also possible that they didn’t get the lucky break too. However it is obvious that if the person has the talent and the lucky breaks and still didn’t script a success story then it has to do with just one thing, lack of commitment and hard work.

Work holds the key to progress. Unless one is prepared to sweat it out, the talent and the natural gifts one posses will only be wasted because, it is when we work that we actually utilize our abilities. Work is not simply exerting but it has to be well planned and equally well executed. To begin with one must be clear about what is ones role in the overall scheme of things. Only then can a person outline his/ her specific jobs , duties and responsibilities. Work is invariably planned keeping in mind these parameters as also a specific time frame and quality standard. This implies that work is not a collection of haphazard efforts done to keep busy but a coordinated effort with a clear objective and a larger purpose than the work itself.

One reason why success seems to elude some hardworking people is that they never grow beyond their work. Anyone who repeatedly does the same work over and over again will gain a fair amount of mastery and expertise. The challenge then is to take on something new, challenging and more responsible which will bring with it the possibility of growth. When people shy away from such opportunities and prefer the comfort of their existing work, they will enjoy the comfort of their job but will never taste the fruits of success that is implied in their potential. Scores of people whom we notice as incredibly talented but languishing in mediocrity are testimony to this bane of poor work ethics. However they underline a moot point that just work itself will not get us the success we deserve.

To grow in our work environment, hard work is the first requisite but a very vital requirement is smart work. Smart work, focuses on identifying ways and means of simplifying work, automating work and minimizing effort, without compromising on the quality of output. Smart work really takes off when one can enhance productivity, improve quality and take on more responsibility. One would notice that when these conditions are fulfilled, success is a natural fruit that ripens during this process. Each one of us can actually enjoy the fruits of success by deftly balancing both hard work and smart work.


“It’s a test of ultimate will
The heartbreak climb, uphill
Got to pick up the pace
If you want to stay in the race
More than just blind ambition
More than just simple greed
More than just a finish line
Must feed this burning need”

Neil Peart

Try this:

  1. Make a list of new responsibilities that you believe you can shoulder. Also make a list of routine jobs that you think you can delegate, simplify or automate. Work on the latter first, so that you have more time to spare to take on the new responsibilities.
  2. Write down at least 3 clear signs that will indicate to you that you have attained success. Now at the end of the year check if you have been a success as defined by you. Eg. You can state that your increment this year should be at least xyz amount. This will be a success parameter for you.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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