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God doesn’t make orange juice, God makes oranges. Jesse Jackson

One of our human failings is our penchant to pass on our responsibilities to others be it a sibling, a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend or as we do in most case pass on our work to God. Most times when in trouble we exclaim loudly Oh God! fervently praying and imploring God to intervene and set things right. Without exception almost all of us have indulged in this before, during and after our exams. Seeking divine interventions is perfectly acceptable but we doing our part and making all efforts is a prerequisite too.

Man of us have strong belief in the almighty but  we have an irrational belief that in a worst case scenario God will take care of our troubles if we earnestly implore him even if we have taken little or no efforts to mitigate the problem. It is important for us to realize that we are given the gift of life and with it so many talents and abilities which we are expected to utilize fully. Unfortunately what makes us human is our inherent abhorrence for hard work, our tendency to find short cuts and worst of all our tendency to cut corners and skate on thin ice just in order to make a farcical appearance of going through the motions.

Ironically it is man being blessed with intelligence that has made the human race more lazy, less patient and completely dependent on extraneous factors be it technology or human intervention to simplify his life. With every labor saving device we have made our life machine controlled, with the growing economic divide we have made a human class separation and with our unabashed  greed we have made life a rat race. Our life therefore is centered around results by fair or foul means, amassing wealth by legal or illegal means and subsisting with minimum effort and maximum relaxation. Obviously life then becomes challenging only for the have not’s and those who are fortunate to be educated, economically well off and street smart life is a breeze. Yet many a time money cannot solve all problems and that is when we are prepared to even bargain with the almighty and make promises of sharing our earthly wealth in return for divine blessings in earthly form be it winning a lottery or curing one from a debilitating disease.

For the human race it is important to realize that we are responsible for our actions and our inactions. We can only reasonably expect to relish the fruits of our efforts, toil and diligence. However we are also fortunate to be showered by the blessings of the almighty especially when he gives us an unexpected bounty, ignores our frequent ungratefulness and waywardness and never ever lets us down for even when we feel he hasn’t answered our prayers he has kept us in the palm of his hands and cupped us in protecting us from bigger pain and suffering.

Remember: If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice. Meister Eckhart

Try this:

  1. Make a list of very special blessing you received even when you did not deserve it. Did you express your thanks to God for it?
  2. How do you respond when someone asks you for help? Assume that you see a stalled car and the driver is an elderly gentleman. Will you stop to help the old man? How will you help out?

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

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  1. K.R. RAJESH

    Our Part is to put hard work and have Confidence on our work. Rest leave it to God to play his part.

    K.R. Rajesh

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