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A genius is one who shoots at something no one else can see – and hits it. Anon

If one looks around one can find plenty of brilliant people, scores of enormously talented people but one has to search with a fine toothcomb to locate a genius. This is because a genius is an exceptional brilliant and talented person and someone who is near perfect in his/ her chosen field.  While a quantitative assessment of a genius is a near impossible task, a distinctive qualitative feature is their ability to think beyond, visualize the future and move purposefully towards creating that vision into a tangible reality.

The computer industry is full of geniuses be it a Bill Gates or the Google Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brinor  or a Michael Dell; what sets them apart is their ability to ideate, visualize, take proactive action and have the courage of conviction to risk everything to pursue their dreams and make it the reality what we all experience. There are many dreamers, many ideaters and plenty of people with grandiose vision but it is only a genius who can work relentlessly and persist in their pursuit quite literally shooting from their hips and hitting the target with panache and élan. Most Nobel laureates would qualify to be labeled genius as would many a sporting icon be a Michael Jordon or a Sachin Tendulkar  or a Roger Federer.

A genius is not just born with his talents but has carefully nurtured, harnessed and unleashed his potential with a clear focus, a dramatic vision and taken calculated risks. No genius may show sparks of brilliance early in life but it is their hard work and toil, their ability to see problems as challenges and their vision to creatively build up their edifice that transforms ordinary mortals with extraordinary ability into genius.

Remember: A genius is 1% percent inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Try These:

  1. Study the life of 3 geniuses of your choice. Preferably chose each one from a different field. List out the 3 major happenings or qualities that made them geniuses. What is the learning from studying their lives?
  2. Among the people you know intimately who is a possible genius? Why did you choose that person. What are the qualities that qualify him to be a genius? What are the limitations that will hold the person back?

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

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  1. Rajesh K R

    Genius is a person who set a Good standard for others. In other words people can take him as inspiration or role model to grow in their career.

    Good Article posted by the author.

    K.R. Rajesh

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