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You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.  Colette

When we get down to doing anything in life, be it singing in the bathroom, ironing your clothes or balancing your account books we must do it with enthusiasm. The reason is simple; anything done with enthusiasm means you are motivated, your enjoy doing it and you would do a good job. Any job done well gives you a sense of achievement and lifts your spirits. It is possible though that occasionally you would realize that you wasted time doing the job, or you didn’t do the job correctly or it was the wrong job that you did. This would dishearten you and make you feel stupid and foolish but if you had done the job with enthusiasm you can be sure that you have no regrets about the time spent on the job.

Analyze your daily schedule and you can find glaring acts of omission and commission in the tasks you have attempted. Some tasks that could be delegated were pursued by you because you didn’t know how to delegate or whom to delegate it to; some tasks were way beyond your abilities but you attempted it half heartedly, because you didn’t want to be seen as avoiding the task. Many a time you have a wrong set of priorities that results in you doing what you love to do rather than what is important to do and then the important tasks get done ineffectively since you are under time pressure. All these will take a toll on you for you will see each such task as a wasted effort and an avoidable foolishness; yet if the task was attempted with enthusiasm you will savor the moments that you managed to make headway on those tasks.

Enthusiasm gets you fired up and eager. This will make you feel engaged fruitfully in what you attempt to do. In fact it will also energize your team members and co workers. Commitment to the tasks is much greater and tight deadlines look interesting and challenging for those who focus on the results to be attained rather than on the mundaneness of the task. If the task looks daunting, collective enthusiasm helps teams pull of improbable victories. For people who can generate enthusiasm regularly, they can always sport a smile, visualize success and attain their goals with relative ease. More important is the fact that if their efforts are in vain rather than despair they look back with contentment on a good job done, pick up the new learning to be put into practice on the new job and roll up their sleeves to begin a new task ENTHUSASTICALLY.

Remember: “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”Winston Churchill

Try these:

  1. Make a list of tasks that are part of your work but which you dislike / find boring/ are difficult/ are useless in your opinion. Now for each task give three motivators that can help you see these tasks as less daunting then before. Put these motivators to work for you and make you enthusiastic.
  2. Do you think a secretary or telephone operator’s job is boring? Assuming that they are boring, how do they keep themselves motivated day after day? Are there lessons in this for you to keep yourself motivated and enthusiastic?

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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