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I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves. Lord Chesterfield

Look around and you will find that people are scurrying around, frantically trying to meet some deadline; be it catching the pubic transport or finishing an assignment or speeding up their physical exercise routine because they have another social/ personal commitment to meet. Observe carefully your own life and calculate the amount of free time you have in it. Simultaneously also look at the amount of productive work you do and the amount of time you are guilty of wasting. Many times we are actually duplicating tasks because we didn’t do it right the first time or we are duplicating the effort because we didn’t plan properly. What does it all lead to? You labor in vain; every minute of the hours spent has gone wasted; if only you paid attention to every minute you spent working.

If you make your time count, only then can you make your life count. Don’t do things in a hurry because there is so much more to do; rather do things because you want to get the work done well and over with once and for all. No doubt you may have to do the same job again next day but then it is a new day , a new effort and a new result; not a repeat of a failed attempt or a patch up of a tardy attempt. The key is to focus on the small tasks that collectively help us achieve a big goal. In our anxiety to attain the big goals, we are tempted to rush in headlong into the job without much planning, preparation and performance standards. The net result would be  sloppy work, disappointing feedback and quite often re-work.

We have the onus not just to live but make our lives better each day. This means that we need to realize that meeting a deadline or completing a task is not an isolated activity but an integral part of our happiness, which can happen only if we have put mind, heart and soul into it. Every moment of your life is therefore an opportunity to progress further, spread cheer and win applause. Don’t waste the moment, the minutes in the hour hand and the seconds ticking away in your life in a frivolous, casual and indifferent manner. Be aware that the seconds and minutes add up to hours which when we look back and connect the dots, throw up a brilliant pattern of lovely hues and shades radiating your life or else it will just be a black and white picture of a gloomy, despondent and wasted life.

Remember: This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Try this:

  1. Can you jot down how much time you spent reading this post? Was it worth the time spent? How did you benefit from reading this post? Can you implement anything you learn from this post?
  2. If you were not reading this post what would you have been doing? Is that job you postponed in order to read this post having a deadline or a priority in your life? Would it have been better for you to do that job and then focused on reading this post? Do you have clear priorities for the day? Is there clarity in your step by step plan of action for major tasks on hand?
  3. If you have time for prayer, do you end up speeding up your prayers because there is something more interesting on TV or you have a more entertaining activity line up? Do you have a time slot for reflection? Do you spend sufficient time communicating with your family, your parents and siblings?

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Dhanraj

    Really nice blog, day by day I am improving in several areas, like communication, attitude. please write about topics related to concentration and setting up goals and achieving it.

  2. Jacob

    Hi Dhanraj

    Thank you for your encouragement and positive feedback.

    I would request you to click on the word Goal on the right hand side of the post where the various Categories are listed. I am sure you will find something relevant and useful in the posts.

  3. Dhanraj


    Thank you for your reply. Please let me know about youself. What motivates you to write this blog on a daily basis. I know you have two more blogs in which you write weekly and monthly.

    Exercises at the end of each topic are really awsome. which will make us to act.

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