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29-R U a weirdoYou did read the title of this post right, although any English language teacher would have chastened me for that style of writing. The fact is that the world is changing at a rapid pace, the styles are also keeping pace with that change (not always a good thing) and if you don’t follow the trend you would be branded a weirdo. I am betting that each one of you reading this post owns a mobile phone. If you don’t own a mobile phone, I am willing to double the bet that all those you interact with treat you like a weirdo. So the simple equation is that if you are to be seen as a normal person, an essential demonstrable accessory is owning a phone. Perhaps it is because one can buy a phone and there are plenty of options to choose from, everyone ensures he/ she has one and not be labeled a weirdo.

Now if you ask yourself or the next person you interact with, the question ‘What is the purpose of your life? Or What are the goals you have set for yourself? there is every possibility that they will think you are a weirdo for asking that. Having a purpose in life is much more challenging; partly because it cannot be bought off the shelf but largely because we are not even conscious about the options available to us and mainly because we do not want to commit to a purpose.

So how does one know if one has a purpose in life? Simple; ask yourself the question are you ready to die just now? If your answer is YES, you will understand the purpose that drives a solider to fight for his/ her country; an adventurer to undertake a risky adventure; an aid worker to risk life and limb to bring succor to war torn areas. If your answer is a resounding NO and you are just not ready to die, it simply means that you have a lot of unfinished agenda and they are unfinished because you haven’t yet clearly identified them and / or you are still aimlessly meandering through life.

So what do I do to identify the purpose of my life? This is a tougher question to answer. However it is not impossible to find an answer. Ask yourself what epitaph would best describe you and your life. This means that you would have to answer the question’ what would I want to be remembered for? The answer may not be readily available but it will help you focus your thoughts to a more meaningful goal/ objective / vision/ mission. Your purpose must be something that drives you from within. This means that you must be enthused ( this comes from you having a passion / deep interest in something), you must be able to execute it with some degree of competence ( this means you must have the skill set/ learn the techniques ) and have the motivation to pursue with passion ( this means there must be an intrinsic motivation / an inner urge). A fine example of appreciating people with a clear purpose is to recollect all your teachers that you fondly remember even though they may have be tough to deal with. The one common thread that all those whom you remember immediately is that they had the zeal and commitment and a demonstrated purpose that appealed to you and remained with you long after your academic years were over.

Remember that if you have a purpose in life – you will be LIVING not merely Existing!

Try these:

View the video The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch by clicking on the link

Read the poem The Psalm of Life by H.W. Longfellow clicking on the following link

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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