Ever thought about your favorite color? So is it blue or red or black or green or ??? Do you remember the times when as a kid, you scrawled on the walls with broken crayons you found? You may not have great artistic talent but when you get some crayon pieces, the itch to scribble, dabble with them and just experiment with the colors would be hard to resist. You don’t need a fresh set of crayons to unleash your talents; all you need is a piece of crayon and your imagination will do the rest.
Have you ever visualized yourself as a multi colored crayon? Pause and look at what you are wearing. Remember what you wore yesterday or the day before or for the last party you went too? I am sure you wore different attires, colors and styles depending on the occasion, your mood and the timing. Now can you visualize yourself as a live multi colored crayon? Frankly each of us has the potential to color the world around us in different hues and also make our life colorful too. At times especially when you are happy and energized, you feel like a new big crayon but when disheartened and feeling low you would see yourself as a miniscule piece of crayon. When happy and excited you certainly would be able to add vibrant colors and positive energy to the world around you but when the going is tough, you see yourself as a broken useless piece of crayon that can only color something dreary and faded; yet the fact is that even the tiniest piece of crayon still retains the same vibrant color. All you need to do is picture vividly and color freely to get your masterpiece ready.
Here are tips on making those broken crayons add vibrant colors:
Take stock of what you have – Even when you are at the lowest point in your life, don’t forget that you are alive and that you can turn your life around. However, to do that make a realistic assessment of the colors left with you and begin painting only what the colors available with you can be made best use off. E.g. If unfortunately you have got the pink slip don’t imagine your life to suddenly turn into just one color black. You must take stock of your strengths and limitations and work around that. Do not become too pricey when opportunities present themselves nor accept any opening out of desperation.
Plan with a purpose – When you begin coloring there must be a schema in mind, a blueprint in your imagination and a definite visual of the final outcome. Preparing the schema takes time, requires a lot of effort, it would initially appear confusing and complicated but it is the strong foundation on which a firm structure can be built. E.g. When you seek new job opportunities you don’t quit first and search for a job later. In fact you would ask yourself the reasons for the change you plan, the kind of job profile that you are aiming for, the kind of compensation you would want and then you would confine your search to shortlist those job options that fit into your plans.
Strip of the paper covering on the crayons – Most crayons come with a paper covering that you peel off as and when you have utilized the exposed part of the crayon. Obviously if you don’t peel of the paper cover, the crayon wouldn’t do the job it is meant for. You too would have to occasionally do a reality check about yourself; strip of your ego, don’t keep glossing over your past achievements, put aside the temporary failures or setbacks you may have encountered, asses your strengths and weaknesses and prioritize your plans.
Substitute colors by being imaginative – When you run short of specific shades you can attempt to substitute other colors, even try to mix the colors to get the preferred shade, modify the drawing or style of coloring etc. When life refuses to allow you the luxury of sticking to the carefully laid out plans all you can do is adapt. Adapting to circumstance could involve making sacrifices, making adjustments to the original plans, occasionally it could mean abandoning something very close to your heart. Very often it involves making risky choices, sometimes having to take that leap of faith or having to give into your gut instincts. . E.g Have you taken on a new job responsibility or attempted something different during the course of the year?
Keep coloring – Yes every crayon can color but one has to take that crayon and start coloring with it. Keeping crayons in the original box packing for spending the crayons would be a sheer waste of some excellent resource. In the same way you have to explore the various dimensions of your abilities and talents. You may make new discoveries about your potential. You could also make some painful realizations about your limitations. When you begin to do something, the results could vary but there is certainty that you would evidence a picture that emerges from your efforts E.g. when was the last time somebody expressed surprise at something you did? If you haven’t been applauded or criticized it means you have stagnated and have become placid, boring and staid.
Try this
- Gentlemen who never enter the kitchen should try to visit a cookery blog and attempt to surprise your family with a new dish. Ladies who have never every attempted tinkering with any mechanical stuff can attempt to at least open the car bonnet and identify various parts of the car and engine under the bonnet.
- Buy a 500 or 1000 piece puzzle from the store. Make the puzzle and get it framed and hang it in a place where you can see it often and remind yourself that you did something different and you succeeded because you tried.
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