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5- 8Mar 15 - Women's WorldOn women’s day, I think this is an appropriate post for the numerous ladies who subscribe and / or read this blog. It is equally relevant if not extremely important for the gentlemen to go through the post to appreciate the finer nuances of the term Sexy from a woman’s perspective.

Like any normal human being, every individual would like to be noticed, appreciated and respected no matter what their age, gender or economic background. A woman is blessed by nature to be a shade different from men in both physical form as also in their abilities, their mental makeup and their style. A woman often multitasks with seamless competence, has a greater resolve, is more committed to family responsibilities and becomes the pivot of a happy family. It is equally true that a women takes the effort to be well dressed, spends time and energy to be well groomed without compromising on their core responsibilities.

The woman one admires is not just the appealing physical form but the entire package that can include a number of roles being played by the same individual. She can be a dutiful daughter, an affectionate sister, a faithful wife, a protective parent and a diligent individual in any role. Remarkably, a woman will revel in any of these roles for she understands the criticality of her contribution in each of these roles. She will applaud, scold, worry, appreciate and chasten with equal aplomb for she is driven by love, motivated by bonding and duty bound by nature.

A woman’s personality lies in her dexterity, her vivaciousness, her independence and her commitment. She can be fiercely protective of those she loves, unabashedly partial to those she is fond of, acutely distressed when a loved one is in pain and exceedingly exuberant when in the company of boisterous, like minded people. In each of these varied roles a woman will be able to unobtrusively hold her own and perhaps that is the reason men tend to discount the women’s role and instead direct attention to perceived short comings of the lady. Numerous times the male chauvinist fails to give credit to the woman who is independent, self confident and individualistic.

While a women’s day, like a birthday is designated for euphoric celebrations, make each day of yours a special day; give expression to your thoughts, feelings and actions with confidence and passion. Gentlemen, appreciate the women in your life; notice how they make it more colorful, comfortable and cheerful.

Try these:

What are the 3 endearing qualities you appreciate in the following women

  • Your mother
  • Your sister / cousin sister
  • An aunt
  • Your wife / lady friend
  • A lady teacher
  • A lady who is a public figure

Think of 3 innovative gifts that you will gift any 3 of the above women. Try and give one gift before the month end to one of the ladies mentioned above.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

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