We are often envious of others, particularly if they have a skill set or ability or demonstrate an aptitude to do things in much better way than most people, including us. We are in awe of others who showcase an exceptional skill or perform with panache or come up with an extraordinary feat. Far too often we also rationalize that they are talented, blessed and or lucky to have that gift and we rue our fate that we are insignificant as compared to them. The crucial mistake that we make in judging extraordinary achievers while belittling our own capabilities is that we conveniently overlook the hard work, commitment and zeal that the achievers harness to make that extra difference that attracts success.
Here is how you too can pep up your life and your life, both personal and professional by getting that EXTRA zing into all what you do.
Enlarge your vision – We are limited by our thinking and hence it is imperative that we enlargen our vision and see beyond. This means we need to imagine possibilities, learn to appreciate people around, accept the situations as they develop, anticipate changes and become aware of happenings within us and around us. E.g. Try to find opportunities in problems / when doing a task imagine something more that you can contribute to it which will make the work excellent
Xplore creatively – When in difficulty we delve into our imagination and come with alternative solutions to our immediate problems. All we need to do now is harness this ability we have, to proactively ready ourselves for anticipated changes. It also provides us an opportunity to explore our own hidden strengths, discover new opportunities and create openings for us to progress. E.g. You love wildlife but do not know how to contribute to it. Have you explored options like adopting a wild animal in the local zoo or sponsoring someone to go for a jungle safari
Transform yourself – We are all creatures of habits, followers of routines, comfortable with the tried and tested. The extra edge we give ourselves begins by making a conscious effort to transform ourselves and altering ourselves to blend in / adapt to developments happening around us. E.g. Change your style of dressing/ attire/ attitude / dietary habits
Respond with alacrity – How we respond to events, happenings, situations and people would give us that extra edge in being noticed and being entrusted with greater responsibilities. Our responses would also hone our skills to think logically & creatively, act decisively and take responsibility. E.g When you not notice a social problem be it indiscriminate littering or a water leakage or non functional street lights do you only lament at the problem or do you contact the concerned authorities?
Act now –Most times we have good intent but lack the will power to execute our intent. Other times we begin in great earnest only to slowly succumb to our laziness, disheartenment and / or lure of other attractive alternatives. Frequently we find ourselves indecisive about how to move forward. Consequentially we remain in a limbo, suffer from paralysis by analysis and hope our inaction will result in some sort of solution favorable to us. The winners in life have always had to suffer losses and yet managed to overcome their defeats before they embraced success. Start NOW… no matter how you feel.
Try this:
- Find a productive way to spend 3 hours every week contributing to a cause / project/ activity that will have a positive impact on the social environment around you. E.g Spending time at an old age home / orphanage / hospice or spreading awareness about environmental concerns or educating the underprivileged etc.
- Choose from some of the options given below (you can add your own points too) to choose some action you will take immediately to add that little EXTRA to your life and make a difference
- Listen more
- Stop arguing
- Criticize less
- Appreciate more
- Add some more value to the job being done
- Be less self critical
- Control temper
- Eliminate a bad habit
This post is courtesy www.actspot.com
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