For a rather long stretch of time for a variety of reasons my blog posts were not being regularly updated. While the issues that confronted me were varied, on hindsight none of them were serious enough to qualify as valid excuse for not keeping up with my target of writing at least once a week. It was therefore very fortuitous that I came upon the above quote, which kick started me to get back to my writing.
It is said that one cannot be pushed from behind or pulled from the front but has to be driven from within, to achieve and attain success. It is in this context that a dream is a must for every individual so that it becomes a goal and a reason for us to aspire, perspire and acquire success. With a dream comes the waking up to reality; with the dream comes the desire to act; with the dream comes the possibility of achievement.
Waking up to reality: Dr.Abdul Kalam famously said that ‘A dream is not what you see in your sleep; it is something that does not let you sleep’. Translate your interests, passion and dreams into a tangible, vivid and positive goal. With this goal as the focus, outline the logical steps to be taken to move towards the goal. Obviously there would be obstacles that loom large, difficulties that seem insurmountable, self-doubt about your own capabilities all of which nudge you to realize that you have to be prepared to accept the reality that your dreams are attainable provided you are ready to pursue your dream with pragmatism, optimism and enthusiasm.
Dreams evoke the desire to act: While the reality would be challenging and terrifying at times the dream itself would be alluring, exciting and exceptionally rewarding. It is these enticement that help you take proactive steps to pursue your dreams by taking your first steps that you have already visualized and outlined. Even when there are setbacks or frustrations the effort taken will never be in vain for you would have traversed quite a distance, made significant commitments by way of various resources and turning back or giving up would be not an option at all, Perhaps you would pause to review, re strategize and or rework your plans but the dream would be your goal.
Strong possibility of achievement. It is the compelling and tantalizing lure of the dream that will always provide the pull and magnet for effort to bear fruit. You can always make your dreams come true once you have begun in faith, proceeded with gusto and believed in yourself. Watch out and avoid falling prey to criticism, setbacks, resource limitations and fear. A worthwhile dream will always fuel your spirit, nourish your desire and propel you to take the leap of faith that bridges the chasm between giving up and getting up.
I just did it… you can do it too…dream big…stay cool…receive in abundance.
Try this:
Prioritize these
Take the first 3 top priority and jot down a couple of dreams that can seamlessly incorporate our priorities and at the same time give you the impetus to follow your dream.
What is the one Problem and one Dream that you have in connection with the following
The Government
Social Change
Animal Welfare
Health care
So what are you doing to achieve your DREAM for each of the above despite the problems that you have indicated?
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This Post Has 2 Comments
Yes true ” Doubt your Fear, not your Dreams.”
Thank you for your response and sharing which is so very apt to the contents of the post.