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Do not wait for ideal circumstances, nor the best opportunities; they will never come. Janet Erskine Stuart

All of us have good intentions. We also get sudden spurts of wanting to change for the better. We begin each year with some firm resolutions to improve ourselves and to some extend also make valiant attempts occasionally. Most times though we don’t even get started and when we do we give up far too easily. The main reason for our inertia and starting trouble is that we wait for that good moment to come when our intentions and our inner drive are both in sync and ignite us into action. The trouble is we wait and wait for that moment but simply fail to recognize it. The problem starts when we decide to start an activity on a Monday or the 1st of a month or wait for an auspicious day. Invariably the day comes and we have some reason or the other not to start. The reason could range from the simple sheer laziness to the bizarre like had a bad dream so not good to start today.

By choice we all are apprehensive of change. This is the second reason why we are wary of attempting something new or different. Beginning anything new involves a change in the routine and that make us uncomfortable. Our mind is conditioned to follow the beaten path and so treading a new path requires effort, courage of conviction and the vision to see ahead. We therefore outline a set of near perfect and equally impossible conditions to come in harmony so that we can begin. Most times these are utopian ideals and the probability of such conditions becoming a reality near impossible. The wait continues and the possible opportunity goes by and we can only woefully lament.

Fear of commitment scares many a potential voyager / adventurer to make a non starter. Anything attempted new means a fixed new commitment. Most people are afraid of that commitment and so try to avoid or postpone making that commitment. Yet when the urge to grab opportunities overwhelms us we take tentative steps towards it. It si full commitment alone that can give fruits in the long run and tentative steps merely show us the way but we need to traverse it fully in faith and with the commitment to see it through the end. Mere good intentions and attempts to kick start are not enough but persistence and conviction if put into the venture will ensure we don’t give up till w attain our goal.

Risk of failure is the fear that is the bane of any new start. When we start with fear, we cloud our thinking, become defensive and find ways and means to postpone the start.  More importantly we make futile efforts to hedge against any failure and that is a near impossibility for we live in a dynamic world. It also happens that we may visualize a good beginning but then our own fears cloud our vision of the future and then we turn risk averse. Our fears paralyze us, our lethargy corrodes our spirit of enterprise and we cling to nonexistent hope for deliverance which we couldn’t even conceive to begin with.

Remember: “The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that’s the day you start to the top.”

Try this:

  1. If you haven’t made your New Year list begin now. If you have update it with 3 more points. Now ask what it that you could have begun but not yet started is. Ask yourself the reason for not starting. Can you begin today itself?
  2. Do you have a dream to attain? If not, write down a dream for yourself. It could be doing something special with your abilities and talents or it could be pursuing a pet passion or it could be giving back to society. Now get cracking on that project by allocating some time each week to work on it.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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