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The distance doesn’t matter; only the first step is difficult. Madame Marquise du Deffand

Time and time again, we are faced with the dilemma of coming up with idealistic intentions but with a hundred excuse for not getting moving on executing the noble and lofty ideas. The first and major reason is because when we think of the ideas, we are doing armchair thinking resting on our backside, perhaps lazing around and just letting our minds exercise a bit. Real life is all about rolling up the sleeves, moving ones butt and sweating it out a thought that is both non appealing and possibly frightening. The second reason is our inability to commit ourselves and take up the gamut. The net result is procrastination, dithering and sidestepping.

If we just pause and approach the entire task as strings of little tasks to be accomplished it is possible that the matter becomes more approachable, less daunting and manageable. Look at a marathon runner train. He/ she first attempts shorter distances with a view to working out both stamina and style to be adopted in the long run. Over an extended period, they increase the distance, improve their timings, work out their strategy to ensure they are in the leading pack and yet balance both timing and stamina. The end result is the ultimate motivator but it is the intermediate targets set that ensure the small doses of motivation required to begin the task and provides the impetus for continuity.

Check out a person going to a gym either to reduce or to build muscles. The first couple of weeks are stressful simply because the exercising stretches the muscles and the body gets stiff and painful. Equally important is the fact that on the face of it there seems to be no progress when one checks in the mirror and that is an added dampener. Yet the coach / trainer keep assuring that the progress is definitely there and that it will be visible only after a few weeks and purely based on trust you continue the regime. In real life we are our own coach most of the time and unless we surround ourselves with well meaning friends and positive people any negative comment can put the brakes on ones effort.  It therefore also stands to reason that we must reinforce our self believe with positive thoughts and intrinsic motivation. We are then ready to take not just the first step but all the subsequent steps too.

Remember: “Many fine things can be done in a day if you don’t always make that day tomorrow”

Try these:

  1. Take a pen and paper and make a list of 20 things that you need to do in the coming week. Relist them in order of priority. Start doing the first three things on the list NOW. Keep pegging away at the other items and review your success rate at the end of the week.
  2. Ask your spouse or sibling or parent  or friend for a list of the most annoying habits you have. It could range from biting your nails to overeating or being untidy or being too loud etc. It does not matter if you agree with their observations but choose at least 5 items for you to work on and change starting NOW. Keep pegging away at the other items and review your success rate every week.

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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