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The mind is never right but when it is at peace within itself.
•Lucius Annaeus Seneca
We begin this NEW YEAR 2010 with a fresh perspective on Peace of Mind. We may have no riches in monetary terms or in tangible assets but money does not guarantee Peace of Mind! What is most needed by the world is the greatest riches possessed by the enlightened and those who sleep well – peace within ones heart. Our mind is always wandering and seeking gratification – often the key lies in our pursuit of the seven deadly sins Pride, Greed, Envy,Anger,Lust, Gluttony and Sloth.
If we make a determined effort to overcome these 7 deadly sins, there is a very bright chance that we will focus attention on the seven positive virtues Humility, Generosity, Love, Kindness, Self control, Temperance and Zeal. Once we start focusing on these, we would reduce our desires, minimize our cravings and actually start enjoying the riches that we are blessed with.
Try these
  • List out 3 of the seven deadly sins that tempt you the most.
  • Outline a plan of action to resist giving into the temptations from these sins.
  • Outline a plan to practice one of the virtues on a weekly basis.

Remember : ‘ A clear conscience is the Best Pillow ‘

Igniting your thoughts – Encouraging you to ACT SPOnTaneously

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Bobby Jacob

Bobby Jacob

‘ He hopes to have a positive influence on his readers through his blog posts’

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